Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Black Sheep...

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."--Robin Williams....It's quite true that those few who act, think and feel different than their family members, their school mates and community members end up with a unique personality, this is the great landmark that the person is thinking outside the box instead of being a follower of the traditional beliefs...Black sheep is essentially the person who seek to find the truth about things rather than take the short cuts...he/ she is not afraid to challenge his/ her thoughts and beliefs...I love my friends M who maybe a black sheep but also a person who challenged me to think outside the box & change my perspectives...I didn't see many as you around, you're a jewel my friend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After all thinking by itself saves us from being blind followers...
And thinking outside the box is something that everyone of us should do...
However, being a black sheep doesn't necessarily mean having the truth, in some cases the stream is the truth... So it is not about being a black sheep, it is a about being a thinker...