Sunday, April 20, 2008

I love Moroccan food...

I'm lucky because a Moroccan friend of mine cooks us some delicious Moroccoan dishes, the best one for a pasta and bread person like me is "Ragheef", a real delicious type of bread that you can eat with almost anything you desire and still tastes great (not for weight watchers though like most Arabic food), my friend here used my new breadman maker to prepare the dough, saying that this saves three quarters of the efforts and time of preparation. That brought us to the subject of the ease of modern life compared with the old days, when every single home chore took ages and required much efforts from the women of course. maybe that's why many awkward situations were compatible with ones' life, women didn't have time to fight or observe problems, so families of several wives and siblings lived together busy and consumed in daily life demands rather than focusing on frustration and painful situations...My friend asked "Why breadman, why they didn't name it breadwoman, I said maybe the inventor was a man, or maybe men in US help in cooking not like men back home...Anyway man or woman, it sure tastes great and I'm having one delicious meal now...

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