
Thursday, April 24, 2008

I was wonduring how come nothing works...

Haven't you ever wondered why we're taking ages to finish anything around there, and when we do, it doesn't seem as intended at all? why change is soooo difficult to endorse? I guess now some mystery is finally revealed...I definitely admire Saudi men sense of self-worth, it's quite amazing...equal to but in the opposite direction to Saudi women self esteem...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I love Moroccan food...

I'm lucky because a Moroccan friend of mine cooks us some delicious Moroccoan dishes, the best one for a pasta and bread person like me is "Ragheef", a real delicious type of bread that you can eat with almost anything you desire and still tastes great (not for weight watchers though like most Arabic food), my friend here used my new breadman maker to prepare the dough, saying that this saves three quarters of the efforts and time of preparation. That brought us to the subject of the ease of modern life compared with the old days, when every single home chore took ages and required much efforts from the women of course. maybe that's why many awkward situations were compatible with ones' life, women didn't have time to fight or observe problems, so families of several wives and siblings lived together busy and consumed in daily life demands rather than focusing on frustration and painful situations...My friend asked "Why breadman, why they didn't name it breadwoman, I said maybe the inventor was a man, or maybe men in US help in cooking not like men back home...Anyway man or woman, it sure tastes great and I'm having one delicious meal now...

The Black Sheep...

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."--Robin Williams....It's quite true that those few who act, think and feel different than their family members, their school mates and community members end up with a unique personality, this is the great landmark that the person is thinking outside the box instead of being a follower of the traditional beliefs...Black sheep is essentially the person who seek to find the truth about things rather than take the short cuts...he/ she is not afraid to challenge his/ her thoughts and beliefs...I love my friends M who maybe a black sheep but also a person who challenged me to think outside the box & change my perspectives...I didn't see many as you around, you're a jewel my friend...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Polygamy, the sad story of women fates...

A Big story erupted in USA after the police received a call for help from 16 years old woman, the abused woman claimed she was forced to marry an older man and conceive his child as one of his many wives. The Mormon ranch in Texas was raid by the state police and all the children were taken to state custody. Women appeared on news while fighting for the custody rights of their many children. They appeared sad and monotonous, stereotypes of women I often see back home, all in the same pattern of clothing and obedience. Men were in the police custody for violating the law by committing polygamy. Sara the woman who called the police was never found... This is awkward, because I'm a Muslim, In Islam polygamy is allowed up to 4 wives, a practice usually abused by many men. I have to admit that when married men approached me for marriage I can't help but feel really sick in my stomach. Their attitude although understood due to their own version of what's right and wrong, just outline the basic concept of men domination and women inferiority. A woman side in marriage is usually the weaker side. Her life is controlled by the man and by her children needs, she's expected to deny her needs for the good of the family, which is understood as consisted of the man and kids only while she is excluded, a few nice words would be enough to shut off her rebellion but not a real commitment. Sadly, this coincide with another story from Yemen in which an 8 year old child is forced to marry a 30 years old man, he didn't hesitate to claim his marital rights for a whole 2 months until she was divorced by court... Only if a woman self worth is not based on how lovable she is by a man she can free herself from this vicious cycle of control and domination... It can only be done by allowing women to find life outside the limited and painful arms of men and by laws that reclaim their rights of deciding their own fate away from the good intentions of their male relatives...Polygamy should be monitored by strict laws and not left as an open right for men discretion and abusiveness...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The pen is mightier than the sword???

Now that's confusing, In our Arabic heritage the sword is mightier but there's another version of the truth...Apparently, the ancient civilizations as well as the western literature believes that the pen is mightier, this is a very popular quote that was used heavily everywhere...The fact that the holy book "Quran" affects the lives of millions proves very supportive of the pen, so here goes another myth of the Arabic beliefs...I was thinking that I didn't reach any level of significance despite my time here on Earth, I seem to struggle still with a career path or with identity crisis, perhaps that's why I'm so afraid of admitting that I'm getting older because then I have to be a responsible person for making all kind of decisions, but yet I'm still not so confident about many things...amazingly enough, I was discussing how can we change the corruption in so many levels in our countries with a friend from Jordan, her idea is that the people should be changed first, my idea is that they can't be changed as a whole but we need one leader who can move the mass and creates the waves of change, would that leader come with a pen or would he come with a power (the sword)??....If I believe in the pen superiority, I may accept aging now that I have some potential as a writer after all, but we're just gonna have to wait and see...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Souls are ageless...

I think the fact that I have friends spanning in age from fourteen to fifty five is an indicative that friendship is not limited to any criteria but self demand, surely dealing with mature people may provide logical, predictable and wiser relationships than younger people but I think that there's a fire of enthusiasm in younger people that everyone should keep alive in his/ her soul... Young people are still adventurous about the world and optimistic about what they can get from life, with less complaints about people or about life events than older people, yet older people have this old time wisdom that can be gained only by having enough struggle with life events...In between both of them, I'm hanging somewhere between youthful enthusiasm and mature wisdom without completely acquiring any of each...I don't feel as young or as old as I should be...